Cashflow – 16th April 2020

Cash and the potential lack of it, has been the main cause of worry amongst our clients over the last few weeks, and is likely to be so for some time to come.
In order to help you Helen has created an easy to follow free of charge cashflow tool.
I know lots of you have found our updates bring clarity to the government financial initiatives and you should also find this tool easy to use and understand.
The end result is a simple cashflow summary for the next three months which will help you understand what actions you may need to take to access additional funding.
We have included a number of actions that you should consider during this period in order to reduce costs or access monies offered.
Helen has also created a short video to talk through this cashflow tool and the actions which may arise from it which will accompany it.
If you would like the free cashflow tool please reply YES to
There will also be regular mastermind webinars where you can learn more about how to master your cashflow and gain clarity on your business position.
This article is written for the general interest of our clients and is not a substitute for consulting the relevant legislation or taking professional advice. The authors and the firm cannot accept any responsibility for loss arising from any person acting or refraining from acting on the basis of the material included herein.