Update – 14th May 2020

Update 14 May 2020
Local Authority Discretionary Grants Fund (Top Up Grants)
What is it?
An additional grant which is aimed at support to businesses who are struggling to survive due to the Coronavirus shutdown but are unable to access other grant funding.
Who is it for?
The Government has asked local authorities to prioritise:
- Businesses in shared spaces
- Regular market traders
- Small charity properties that would meet the criteria for Small Business Rates Relief
- Bed and breakfasts that pay council tax rather than business rates.
Is there an eligibility criteria?
Yes, there is. It is three-fold
1.Does your business fit in to the following criteria
- Small or micro business,
- Businesses with relatively high ongoing fixed property-related costs
- Businesses which can demonstrate that they have suffered a significant fall in income due to the COVID-19 crisis
- Businesses which occupy property, or part of a property, with a rateable value or annual rent or annual mortgage payments below £51,000
2.Your business was trading on March 11th
3.You cannot have received any grants under the following schemes
Such grant schemes include but are not limited to:
- Self Employment Income Support Scheme
- Small Business Grant Fund
- Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant
- The Fisheries Response Fund, Domestic Seafood Supply Scheme, The Zoos Support Fund, The Dairy Hardship Fund 30.
Note: The Job Retention scheme is excluded from this list, so you can apply for this grant and the JRS.
When will it be paid?
Guidance has been issued to local authorities with an aim to make payments in early June.
How much can I get?
Local authorities may disburse grants to the value of £25,000, £10,000 or any amount under £10,000.
The amount is at the discretion of the local authority, but central government guidelines advises them to consider
- Level of fixed costs faced by the business in question,
- Number of employees,
- Whether businesses have had to close completely and are unable to trade online and
- Consequent scale of impact of COVID-19 losses.
How do I apply?
We do not know yet, but we expect it to be administered by your local authority like the Small Business Grant Fund and the Retail and Hospitality Fund. Keep an eye on your Local Authority website.
Job Retention Scheme Update
What’s new?
The scheme has been extended from its original date of 30 June.
When is it extended to?
The scheme in its current format of covering 80% of salary up to a maximum of £2,500 is extended until 31 July.
From August to October the scheme will continue to be available but from this point employers will be expected to share the costs.
Any other changes?
Currently employees who are furloughed can not do any work for the business. In the period from August businesses who currently use the Job Retention Scheme will be able to bring back employees’ part -time.
Further updates will be provided by government by the end of May.
Government Link https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-on-business-support-grant-funding
For copies of our previous updates please e-mail either
Previous updates
18 March, 19 March, 21 March,
24 March, 26 March, 27 March,
6 April,9 April, 10 April,24 April, 28 April, 4 May
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